A fearless family-centered approach to a dynamic education
Effective, proven methods to inspire thinking and creativity
Do you feel like you’re failing at homeschooling?
Do you want to know how to make it better?
i can help you learn how to do it so that you know you’re doing a good job!
I can help you choose curriculum.
I can help you set priorities in your expectations so you can make them clear to your children and be more fair in your discipline.
I can help you develop a mindset so you can be convinced in your won heart that you’re doing the right thing.
I can help you set priorities in your schedule so that you can make sure that you cover the most important things.
I can teach you to control anger and manage expectations so that you can be a Gentle Mommy.
I can help you develop a philosophy of education so that you can choose appropriate curriculum, use a method that’s consistent with your philosophy, and be able to defend the way you’re choosing to homeschool.
You know in your heart that you are called to homeschool.
You deeply desire to do this job right. You want peace and joy in your home.
You want your kids to love to learn. You want to make good memories with your children.
You want to make sure your kids can do well in life not only financially but relationally.
These are important goals and motives. You are homeschooling for a reason.
This is the most important job you’ll ever have!
I am a mother of 10. I have homeschooled them all the way through high school. I taught first grade for 5 years in public school before having my first child. I love to help others learn more about the learning process so they can feel confident in their teaching methods.
Penney Douglas
I have also written curriculum for homeschoolers who use a Charlotte Mason approach to homeschooling. You can find it at Teachers Pay Teachers.
Come visit my store on Teachers Pay Teachers!